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Who Can Vote?
  • To be eligible to vote, you must: be 18 or older, a Canadian citizen, have lived in North Cowichan for at least 30 days, and have lived in BC for at least 6 months

  • You must be registered to vote; you can check and/or register as follows:

When Can I Vote?
  • Advance Voting:       Wednesday, October 5 and Tuesday, October 11 from 8:00 am to 8:00 pm

  • General Voting:        Saturday, October 15 from 8:00 am to 8:00 pm

Where Can I Vote?
  • Advance Voting:    North Cowichan Municipal Hall, 7030 Trans Canada Highway

  • General Voting: you can vote at ANY of the polling stations listed below, regardless of where in North Cowichan you live:

Chemainus Seniors Centre: 9824 Willow Street

Crofton  Elementary School: 8017 York Road

Maple Bay Elementary School: 1500 Donnay Drive

Ecole Mt. Prevost Elementary: 6177 Somenos Rd

North Cowichan Municipal Hall: 7030 Trans Canada

Cowichan High School, Quamichan Campus: 2515 Beverly Street

What Should I Bring?
Anchor 1
  • You must bring 2 pieces of identification, one of which must have your address and one of which must have your signature, such as:

    • BC Driver's Licence​

    • BC Care Card

    • Social Insurance Card

    • credit card or bank debit card

    • passport

    • utility bill (telephone, hydro, etc)

    • property tax notice

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